Saturday, September 23rd
~9:30am. Moderately early start today. Let's see how far I get.
~9:45am. Couldn't resist taking a picture of these cows. I'm can almost hear the soundtrack for Open Range.
1:45pm. Mitchell, SD. $2.51/gallon for 92. 18.27mpg.
Takin' Care of Business - BTO (radio)
6:38pm. Oacoma Outlook, SD. Beautiful views from a supposedly famous Lewis & Clark trail spot. Stopped here for an hour.Wish I'd brought a tripod along for these shots.
This is the poisonous snakes path. Didn't see any.
"The Chamberlain-Oacoma Bridge, completed in September 1925, was built and fabricated by the Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Works of Leavenworth, Kansas. At the time State Bridge Engineer Kirkham estimated the cost of the Chamberlain Bridge to be $303,623." source
6:50pm. Entering the West South Dakota mountain range. My spirits are instantly lifted up. I guess I wasn't meant for the prairie.
A Prairie Home Companion (radio).
8:30pm. Wall, SD. 15.89mpg, ouch! 92 is $2.71/gallon. Boy, the Badlands are pretty cold at night.
Shangri-La - Mark Knopfler
10:50pm. Spearfish, SD. 16.9mpg.
Venus in Furs - The Velvet Underground
11:17pm. Bell Fourche, SD - A "shortcut" (Highway 212) turns out to be worse than any gravel I'd seen during my years in Iowa. Potholes, mud, one-lane with a cliff for a shoulder - and now there's 5 trailers ahead of me and we're not moving. There's a reason why the Interstate is the preferred route for most drivers. Sigh.
6:22am. Sunday, somewhere in Montana. 18.47mpg, 91 is $2.80/gallon. Highway 212 turned out to be quite an adventure. Besides being mountainous (and thus slow) I saw an average of one deer every 7 seconds, and one big male deer with antlers every minute. All of them on the shoulder/road every time. I almost killed one, but instead shaved his tail. And a rabbit decided to test the pattern on my tires, only to end up adding a thud to the otherwise silent night. And I saw a 4/5 ft wingspan bird (eagle?).
The reward for this mad Montana road, in what has to be the most remote place in the US: an intense starry night, complete with aurora.