Thursday, October 26, 2006

Saturday, September 16th

My plan was to leave today. I guess that ain't happening. I can't believe how long it takes one to pack. When I moved here from Sioux Center I only needed a minivan for all my belongings. Upgrade to a U-Haul in one year? No good.

3am: still the whole trailer to fill, and I'm 2 days late.

Some random flower from my garden. The nearby birdbath never received any visitors, I'm afraid.

I should have spent more time sitting outside. I'll miss that house.

And just in case you're curious, yes, I did preserve the 60% front/40% back ratio when loading the U-Haul. I kept a list of everything that went in there, plus respective weights.
Now why is it taking me so long to pack...

One last picture of the house before I get on the road...

and this took me 4 days.

1 comment:

Ismael Florit said...

YES! YES! I can almost see the snow. Hurry up will you? You're just a programmer I'm pretty sure you can find incredible amounts of spare time to put the all up.