Friday, January 27, 2006

because it's happening right now

I was trying to start this paragraph with "One thing I really hate" but that doesn't do it justice. No, I abhor it, I loath it, it creates a strongly negative physiological response, it flattens my mood, etc. You get it. I HATE revisiting old code (that I wrote) to fix a bug. And my co-workers agree: it gives one the chills.

For you non-programmers out there, I'm sure you can understand the situation: creating something you think was well done, and then finding out (months later) that it wasn't.

Aaaaaaarrrrrg! (gabe angry)


r.c.f. said...

so like a paper, poem, or journal (blog?) entry that you once thought was good, and now think not so much. yes, yes, i understand.

nokomis said...

i think i understand. i'm sorry that you have to deconstruct your work that was probably well done except for one part. i still have the faith in you rupert... stay strong.. and give me your freakin address.