Monday, April 09, 2007

The Chugach Range

I took this about 3 weeks ago, when the weather was still below freezing. Not anymore. Anchorage is, right now, one big, brown, wet puddle. All those nice flat flakes are turning to mush.

Chugach Range

(mandatory - click for larger size)


Amanda said...


holland is green and full of flowers right now.

come to holland!

Mela said...

may not have history, but it sure as hell has some beautiful landscape!!

Sarah Alice said...

Chugach Range has no snow?? How about Mt. Aleyeska? They had snow in June and July last year. Hello global warming.

Gabriel Florit said...

Oh no no no, I'm not saying Chugach Range has no snow anymore. Anchorage hasn't had any snow for the last, oh, maybe 3 weeks. The Chugach and Alyeska have plenty snow. As a matter of fact Alyeska got over 40 inches last week. And the Chugach was looking REALLY white last night. I'm just bitching about Anchorage's lack of snow, 's all.

Anonymous said...

Hey Gabe,

I sswing by your blog now and again and am constnatly reminded of how jealous I am that you get to be surrounded and inundated with such an awesome landscape. (Meanwhile I am stuck in Minnesota.)

Robb K.