Thursday, February 02, 2006

Yes, they do have the right to print whatever the hell they want


Gabriel Florit said...

I'm not making any claims, only an observer. But it greatly upsets me that some extremist muslims are making violent threats because of this. It's disgusting.

Ismael Florit said...

Islam is creeping in everywhere. It's scary.

Adam said...

I'm with you Gabe. There seems to be this assumption that because some of the poorest nations are Muslim, we ought to see the tenets of Islam as the inverse or counterpart of the widely-held '"'"""Western""(!)'"" views on human rights, sort of like socialism is the counterpart or inverse of democracy. No way, methinks. Freedom of speech is just as important as national sovereignty or any of the other universal truths we're aiming at.

That said, it's kind of dumb to openly exercise that right at such a time and place as will obviously deepen the hatred between races.

I really want to know what the average educated Muslim is thinking about this stuff. Guess I should ask.