Sunday, February 05, 2006

Northern border Fence

In a recent interview on "As It Happens", a republican senator whose name eludes me talked about the need for constructing a fence between the US and Canada, to keep out evil-doers. The proposed construction would run at about a million dollars a mile, and would, of course, be rather long. When he mentioned something about "ensuring that the resources are being used adequately to construct the fence" I couldn't help but picture this:

Building completed, sir!

Let's hope they don't run out of villagers. I hate it when that happens.


r.c.f. said...

he's probably really hopeful for this idea all of a sudden because of the conservative canadian PM. but still, that's just messed up.

Ismael Florit said...

Well if they run out of villagers Bush will be able to research spionage once he hits imperial age and be one step ahead of everyone, but I think he's still trying to find his lost sheep.

Gabriel Florit said...

hehe, we're most definitely in imperial age. At least he is...

scott hendric said...

gabe you play that conquest game too dang much.
get a girlfriend!

scott hendric said...

i'm sorry. that wasn't fair.

Gabriel Florit said...

It's simply Age of Empires, not Rome: Total War. I'm afraid my Rome addiction only lasted for 9 days...

scott hendric said...

gabe, methinks you need a new post.

Mela said...

gabriel! como estas? i kinda miss you. the humble bean is just not the same anymore... but there's other reasons for that as well.