Friday, February 16, 2007

not man enough for this one

Christmas Chute, yesterday:

I can ski almost all the trails at Alyeska, the local ski resort. But not Christmas Chute. I haven't tried it, and probably won't for a while. It's narrow and steep. I can handle narrow and gentle, or steep and wide. But not narrow and steep.

only in alaska

a coworker sent this to all staff an hour ago:

"Moose patrolling the parking lot - Be careful when you exit either of the buildings. A moose has been hovering close to doorways and windows."

Thursday, February 15, 2007

don't kill me

Today (I'm currently working as a contractor for an Alaskan Governmental office):

worker - "What does that say, on your sweater... oh, Espana?"
me - "Yep. That's where I'm from, actually."
worker - "Oh, really? Cool. Is that where your slight accent comes from?"
me - "Yep."
worker - "Ah, we were wondering, maybe middle east, but Espana makes sense."

Now, don't get me wrong, worker is a very nice lady, they're all very kind here. But as I sit at my desk, it just feels strange to be confused with a middle eastern person. Not in a good/bad way, just strange. Why is that? Why should I care if people think I'm from this country or that other country? It shouldn't matter, right? But it does.

Deep down we are all racist.